krewDashboard Features / Chart Types / Chart Settings
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    Chart Settings
    In This Topic

    This topic discusses the steps to create a chart.

    1. Drag and drop a chart from the chart panel on left to the page area.
    2. In the Data Source App dialog, select an app to aggregate the data.

      Selected app can be changed by using the app selection icon in the Fields area.
    3. Select the fields to be used for Axis(Category), Legend(Series) and Value from the Fields area on right or from button on the chart.

       Axis(Category) and Legend(Series) are linked to the chart.

    You can also set various elements of the chart. Below section discusses the chart elements and how to set them on chart.

     Chart Title

    You can display a chart title to make it easy to understand the chart content. Follow the steps shown in the image below to add a chart title. To hide the chart title, select None from the Chart Title.


    Make a chart easier to analyze by setting the vertical or horizontal numeric values or by changing the settings of category axis. You can display or hide the axes by following the steps shown in the image below.

     Axis Label

    Convey the content displayed on the vertical value axis and the horizontal category axis properly by using the axis labels. You can display axis labels by following the steps below.


    To make the height of bar chart etc. visually easier to understand, you can choose to display the grid lines. Follow the steps below to add the grid lines.


    Legend gets displayed in the chart if a field is set in the Legend of Fields area. You can change the position of legend or can even hide it. 

     Data Labels

    You can display the data labels to make it easier to read the chart content. Follow the steps below to add data labels on a chart.

     Composite Chart

    Composite charts can be displayed by using different chart types such as column, line chart etc. to display different types of information. Follow the steps given below to create a composite chart.


    You can set chart formatting in the Format area. Select chart element to be formatted from the dropdown.

    krewDashboard provides following settings to format the chart elements.

    Chart Element Setting Remarks
    Chart Area Fill Set back color of the whole chart
    Text Fill (Color) Set font color for the whole chart
    Text Font (Font Size) Set font size for the whole chart
    Is Smooth Line Specify whether to have curved line or not, available only in Line or Area chart
    Opacity Specify transparency of the fill, available only in Area, Scatter, Bubble, Filled Radar charts only
    Show Symbol Available in Line, Area, Radar, Filled Radar charts only
    Symbol Size Available in Line, Area, Bubble, Radar, Filled Radar charts only
    Empty Cell Options Available in Line, Area, Radar, Filled Radar charts only
    Clipping mode Specify whether to draw chart categories outside the plot area, available in Scatter, Bubble charts only
    Drill Down
    Value Transpose Setting Available in Radar chart only (Data Conversion in Radar Chart
    Chart Title Display/Hide the chart title Set using Add Chart Element of ribbon menu
    Text Fill (Color)
    Text Font (Font Size)
    Title Set any text
    Horizontal Alignment
    Horizontal (Value) Axis Display/Hide Axis Set using Add Chart Element of ribbon menu
    Line (Color)
    Line (Width)
    Text Fill (Color)
    Text Font (Font Size)
    Units Major
    Units Minor
    Display Unit
    Values in reverse order Available in Radar and Filled Radar charts only
    Tick Marks (Major type) Specify how to display ticks on the axis
    Tick Marks (Minor type) Specify how to display ticks on the axis
    Vertical (Category) Axis Display/Hide Axis Set using Add Chart Element of ribbon menu
    Line (Width)
    Text Fill (Color)
    Text Font (Font Size)
    Tick Marks (Major type) Specify how to display ticks on the axis
    Tick Marks (Minor type) Specify how to display ticks on the axis
    Axis Title Display/Hide Axis Title Set using Add Chart Element of ribbon menu
    Text Fill (Color)
    Text Font (Font Size)
    Text Editor (Text) Set any text
    Major GridLines/Minor GridLines Display/Hide GridLines Set using Add Chart Element of ribbon menu
    Line (Color)
    Line (Width)
    Legend Display/Hide Legend Set using Add Chart Element of ribbon menu
    Text Fill (Color)
    Text Font (Font Size)
    Show Series Text
    Series Text (Text) Set any text
    Legend Position
    Show size legend Available in bubble chart only
    Size Icon Color Available in bubble chart only
    Data Labels Hide/Display Data Labels Set using Add Chart Element of ribbon menu
    Text Fill (Color)
    Text Font (Font Size)
    Label Position
    Label Contains Specify the content to display such as value, series name etc.
    Overlap Specify whether to overlap the data labels.
    Conditional Format For information about conditional formatting of each element of chart, see Conditional Formatting of Chart
    Reference Line For information about reference line, see Reference Line
    • Only up to 500 records (500 records starting from higher record number) are read and aggregated at design time. Hence, aggregated values of the chart at design time may vary from the actual result at runtime.
    • Following symbols can not be used in the chart name.
      • "*", ":", "[", "]", "?", "\", "/"
    • Design settings can not be changed for individual item of the legend.
    • For composite charts, you can set the chart type for each value (aggregation method). You cannot set the chart type for individual items in the legend.
    • In stacked composite chart, series for each value (aggregation method) are stacked. You cannot stack series of different values.
    See Also