krewDashboard lets you export the individual charts or pivot tables which aggregate the data of kintone apps as well as the whole dashboard page to a file such as PDF or Excel.
You can export an individual chart or pivot table to a file by clicking the Export icon that gets displayed on hovering mouse over the chart or pivot table.
To export dashboard page to a file, click the Export button of the command bar. Supported file types for exporting are mentioned in the list below.
In below list, supported file types are indicated using following symbols: ○: Supported ×: Not supported
File Type | Dashboard | Individual Chart/Pivot Table | Remarks |
Image | 〇 | 〇 | You can specify the format (PNG/JPEG/BMP) and resolution. |
〇 | 〇 | You can specify the page size and orientation. | |
Excel | 〇 | 〇 | Aggregated values are exported. |
CSV | × | 〇 | Aggregated values are exported. Choose from the character codes: UTF-8, UTF-8 that can be read by Excel(※) and Shift JIS. |
※ If you specify "UTF-8 that can be read by Excel" (UTF-8 with BOM), the exported file can be loaded in Excel without garbling. However, in case of opening the file in software other than Excel, it may or may not open.