Xross Mode / Runtime Settings / Customize Screen Display
Customize Screen Display

When you run the krewSheet in Xross mode, you can see a view of Excel-like pivot tables as shown in the following image. In this section, we will explain the details of each item on the screen when one view is displayed. To display the source data under the pivot table, refer to "Display Details View" topic.

 Command Bar

The command bar is a toolbar displayed at the top of the pivot table.

  • Full Screen
    Specifies whether to display in full screen.
  • Undo
    Undo the last operation. Undo is effective to unsaved data only. Once the data is saved you cannot use undo operation. For details, refer to Undo and Redo Operation topic.
  • Redo
    Repeat the last operation. For details, refer to Undo and Redo Operations topic.
  • Reload
    Reload the record from the server.
  • Save
    Register the record to the server. For details, refer to Save Data topic.
  • Add
    You cannot add new record from the command bar in the pivot table. You can add a record by entering a value in a blank cell that has no record on the pivot table. For details, refer to Add New Record topic.
  • Duplicate
    Record cannot be duplicated in the pivot table.
  • Delete Records
    Record cannot be deleted in the pivot table.
  • Find
    Open "Find and Replace Data" dialog.
  • Export
    Export the view in Excel.
 Context Menu

Basic Context Menu

While running the app, you can click or right-click to select one of four areas: column, row, cell, and entire sheet. In addition to selecting the area, right-click shows the context menu. Depending on where you right-click, one of the following context menus appears.

When Column Header Is Right-clicked

  • Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear
    Move, copy and clear the data in the selected column. You can also select multiple columns and operate them at once.
  • Freeze Columns (Unfreeze Columns)
    Pins the left column from the selected column. Frozen columns are always displayed on the screen, even when scrolling. To unfreeze them, click Unfreeze Columns.
  • Column Width
    Specify the width of the selected column.

When Row Header Is Right-clicked

  • Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear
    Move, copy and clear the data in the selected row. You can also select multiple rows and operate them at once.
  • Row Height
    Specify the height of the selected row.

When Corner Header Is Right-clicked

  • Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear
    Move, copy and clear the data of the selected sheet. The copied data is saved in the clipboard and can be copied to another application.

When Cell is Right-clicked

  • Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear
    Move, copy and clear the selected cell. You can also select multiple cells and operate them at once.
  • Save Record
    Save the edited record. The edited cell is underlined in yellow.

The footer is the toolbar that appears at the bottom of the krewSheet sheet. It is divided into the following three areas. For details of (1) to (3), refer to the following explanations.

 1. Editing Information Area

You can find the status of cells.

  • When a cell is being edited, "Editing" is shown here.
  • When no cell is being edited, "Ready" is shown here.
  • A message is displayed when the cell with focus cannot be edited.
  • In addition to the above, "Loading", "Saving", "Error", etc. are displayed.
 2. Auto Calculation Area

The following are aggregated and displayed:

  • Average
    Average of number in selected cell range. Only the cell with a numerical value is used for the calculation of average. For example, if a blank cell is included, the blank cell will not be used to calculate the average.
    The average result is displayed up to 9 digits after the decimal point.
  • Sum
    Sum of number in selected cell range.
  • Count
    Count of selected data range.
 3. Zoom Area

You can use the slide bar to zoom in and out the page. The zoom range is 25% - 400%.
Click the number on the slide bar to display the following screen, where you can customize the zoom ratio.