krewDashboard Features / Chart Types / Setting Number and Gauge Chart
In This Topic
    Setting Number and Gauge Chart
    In This Topic

    This topic discusses the steps to create a chart.

    1. Drag and drop a chart from the chart panel on left to the page area.
    2. In the Data Source App dialog, select an app to aggregate the data.

      Selected app can be changed by using the app selection icon in the Fields area.
    3. Select the fields to be used for Value(Field Setting) and Comparison Value from the Fields area on right or from button on the chart.

    You can also set various elements of the chart. Below section discusses the chart elements and how to set them on chart.

     Chart Title

    You can display a chart title to make it easy to understand the chart content. Follow the steps shown in the image below to add a chart title. To hide the chart title, select None from the Chart Title.


    The two aggregated values are compared and used to track performance. Once the chart is selected, you can format it in the Format area.

    Select one of the following comparison methods:

    Comparison method Description
    Main Value Displays the value.
    Delta Value Displays the difference between comparison value and value (Comparison value - Value).
    Percentage of target Displays the percentage of value against comparison value (Value/Comparison value).
    Percentage from target Displays the percentage of difference between value and comparison value against comparison value ((Comparison value - Value)/Comparison value)
    Main value and percentage of target Displays the value and percentage of value against comparison value (Value/Comparison value).
    Delta value and percentage from target Displays the difference between comparison value and value (Comparison value - Value) and the percentage of difference between value and comparison value against comparison value ((Comparison value - Value)/Comparison value).

    By checking On the Use Custom Value and Use Comparison Custom Value, you can set any fixed value instead of aggregates.


    You can set chart formatting in the Format area. Select chart element to be formatted from the dropdown.

    krewDashboard provides following settings to format the chart elements.

    Chart Element Setting Remarks
    Chart Area Fill Set back color of the whole chart, only available in gauge chart
    Text Fill (Color) Set font color for the whole chart, only available in gauge chart
    Text Font (Font Size) Set font size for the whole chart, only available in gauge chart
    Chart Title Display/Hide the chart title Set using Add Chart Element of ribbon menu
    Text Fill (Use Value Color) Specify whether to use same color as value
    Text Fill (Color)
    Text Font (Font Size)
    Text Editor (Text) Specify any text
    Horizontal Alignment
    Number Auto Font Size Specify whether to automatically adjust the font size according to the chart size
    Font Size Specify a fixed value of font size
    Value Display Type Specify how to compare value and comparison value
    Text Size (Font Size)
    Color Scale Select from Maximum/NeutralEnd/Neutral Start/Minimum
    Text Fill
    Back Color Only available in number chart
    Display Unit
    Decimal Places Specify number of decimal places for percentage
    Use Custom Value
    Custom Value
    Use Comparison Custom Value
    Comparison Custom Value
    Display Zero Specify whether to display zero when there is no data for aggregated values
    Gauge Scale Text Fill (Color) Only available in gauge chart
    Text Font (Font Size) Only available in gauge chart
    Gauge Pointer Fill (Color) Only available in gauge chart
    See Also