Sheet Mode / Features Overview / Column Header Setting / Column Grouping Header
In This Topic
    Column Grouping Header
    In This Topic

    You can group and expand/collapse (show/hide columns) the adjacent columns (fields).

    In order to set column grouping, follow these steps.

    1. Click on the Settings tab of the app's setting screen. Select Plug-ins, and click on the cog icon in the krewSheet setting to open the krewSheet setting screen.
    2. Click the Header button in the Home tab.
    3. The Column Header Setting dialog will appear. Select the Column Grouping Header option.
     Column Grouping Header Settings

    (1) Settings for grouping

    The (1) mentioned in the above screenshot shows the settings for grouping.

    Settings Description
    Group Groups the selected cell range.
    Ungroup Ungroup the selected column.
    Clear All Groups Clears all column groups.

    (2) Settings for cell

    The (2) mentioned in the above screenshot shows the settings for cell.

    Settings Description
    Column Name Displays the field name set in kintone. Column names are not editable. The column name is displayed as the column header text unless you specify a custom column text.
    Custom Column Text You can change the column header text. You can also include line breaks by checking Wrap Text option.
    Back Color Specifies the background color of column header.
    Fore Color Specifies the text color of column header.
    Font Specifies the font of column header.
    Horizontal Specifies the horizontal position of the column header text.
    Vertical Specifies the vertical position of the column header text.
    Shrink to fit Fits the entire text into the cell. If you check Wrap Text option, Shrink to fit option will be disabled.
    Text Indent Indents by the specified number of characters.
    Wrap Text Wraps to display the entire text.
    Height Specifies the height of the row.
    Collapse Group Columns within the group are initially shown collapsed.
    Field to display when collapsed Specifies the field to display when the group column is collapsed.
    • If you lack permission to view the field you wish to display in its collapsed state, empty cells will be shown.
    See Also