Xross Mode / Feature Overview / Show Items with no data
In This Topic
    Show Items with no data
    In This Topic

    The following pivot table show the same types of product supplied by different supplier.

    From the above image, you noticed that some products for each supplier are not displayed in the pivot table because they didn't supplied that product. In order to show the items with empty data in the pivot table, you can check the Show Items with no Data option.

    Below are the steps to show items with no data.

    1. Click the Settings tab on the App settings page, and click the krewSheet settings gear icon from Plug-ins to open the krewSheet settings page.
    2. Select the field for which you want to display items with no data and click Settings on the Home tab of the ribbon area. Also, you can click the gear icon to open the Field Settings dialog.
    3. The following dialog box is displayed.
      Check the Show Items with no Data option.

    The following field types support this feature.

    Field Types Configurable/Unconfigurable
    Text Shows all unique values for all targeted records.
    Number Shows all unique values for all targeted records.
    Calculated Shows all unique values for all targeted records.
    Radio button Shows all kintone field settings.
    Check box Shows all kintone field settings.
    Multi-choice Shows all kintone field settings.
    Drop-down Shows all kintone field settings.
    Date Specify the start and end date.
    Time Specify the start and end time.
    Date and time Specify the start and end date and time.
    Link Shows all unique values for all targeted records.
    User selection Display all items of kintone field settings (specify choices).
    Department selection Display all items of kintone field settings (specify choices).
    Group selection Display all items of kintone field settings (specify choices).
    Lookup Shows all items in the lookup field.
    Record number -
    Created by -
    Created datetime -
    Updated by -
    Updated datetime -
    Status -
    Assignee -
     Precautions for displaying items without data

    When Show Items with no Data is enabled, all items will be displayed regardless of the items in other fields. For example, no data of Jersey, Seattle and Washington DC also shown in the pivot table.

     Display date

    In order to display items without date data, you need to set the range of start and end date.

    In addition to any date, the start date and end date can be specified in the same way as kintone filtering. Below is a list of items that can be set in the Date / Date and time fields and their subfields.

    Settings Date Date and time Year-Quarter/th> Year-Month Year Quarter Month Week Weekday Day Remarks
    Specify year and month Specify any date. For subfields such as Year, specify only Year/Month/Day.
    Specify days from today Specify a date relative to today's run-time date.
    Current time Specify the date and time of execution.
    Last week Specify the weekday.
    This week Specify the weekday.
    Next week Specify the weekday.
    Previous month If you want to specify the last day of the month, specify "Last day".
    This month If you want to specify the last day of the month, specify "Last day".
    Next month If you want to specify the last day of the month, specify "Last day".
    Last year If you want to specify the last day of the month, specify "Last day".
    This year If you want to specify the last day of the month, specify "Last day".
    Next year If you want to specify the last day of the month, specify "Last day".
     Display time

    In order to display items without time data, it is necessary to set "Minute Unit" option.

    • When "Minute Unit" is enabled, only the corresponding data is displayed. In the case of 30-minute units, only the data of "0:00", "0:30", "1:00" ... "23:30" is displayed, and any other data is not displayed.
    • In order to display items with no data in datetime fields, it is necessary to set the "Minute Unit".

    When you set the "Minute Unit" and "Show Items with no Data" (range from 8:00 to 10:00), you will get the following result.

    Source result

    When "Minute Unit" is set to "10 minutes": "8:12" data is not displayed.

    When "Minute Unit" is set to "15 minutes": "8:12", "8:20", "8:40", "8:50", "9:10" and "9:20" are not displayed.

    When "Minute Unit" is set to "30 minutes": "8:12", "8:20", "8:40", "8:50", "9:10" and "9:20" are not displayed.

    See Also