Manage Application Settings
In This Topic
This section describes how information set in the app setting page of kintone affects krewSheet. Most of these settings are also valid in krewSheet. However, some of them which are not exposed in kintone API cannot be reflected on krewSheet.
App Setting Page

(1) General Settings
- Appearance
Valid for apps on krewSheet.
- Color Theme
Themes specified in kintone can be used in krewSheet.
- Process Management
Valid for apps on krewSheet.
When process management is enabled, the Status and Worker fields will appear in the field area of the Xross mode plugin settings page and can be displayed on the pivot table. You cannot change the values of these fields in cell of the pivot table.
((2) Notifications
Notifications specified in kintone are also valid when using krewSheet.
- General Notifications
- Per Record Notifications
- Reminder Notifications
(3) Customization and Integration
- Plug-ins
From here, add krewSheet to the app and perform all settings.
- JavaScript and CSS Customization
Although you can use JavaScript/CSS in pages where krewSheet is placed, you cannot operate krewSheet through JavaScript. Note that we do not support any problem which occurs when you use your own JavaScript.
- API Token
It does not affect krewSheet.
- Webhook
When data is edited in krewSheet, Webhook does not work.
(4) Permissions
Permissions specified in kintone are inherited to krewSheet. See Manage Permissions for specific operation details.
(5) Advanced Settings
- Categories
Not valid in krewSheet. (Since categories are not exposed in kintone API, they do not work in krewSheet.)
- Localization
This settings are valid in krewSheet.
- Title Field
It does not affect krewSheet.
- Misc Settings
Not valid in krewSheet. (Since misc settings are not exposed in kintone API, they cannot be reflected on krewSheet.)
- Actions
It does not affect krewSheet.