Sheet Mode / Features Overview / Field Types / Attachment
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    The table below shows whether or not krewSheet allows the settings and display equivalent to the setting items of kintone Attachment field.

    Setting Items

    kintone krewSheet Remarks
    Field name
    Hide Field Name -
    Field Code
    Make Required
    Thumbnail Size x

    Appearance on Screen

    It should look like the following:

    kintone krewSheet
    Edit mode -
    When you click the Browse button and select an attachment, the file name and file size are displayed.
    Display mode
    A thumbnail is displayed as shown in the figure.

    When you click Save to save the records, a thumbnail is displayed as shown in the figure. Note that if the image size exceeds 2048 x 2048, the attachment file name and file size are displayed instead of a thumbnail.
    If you apply Auto Fit Column Width or Auto Fit of rows to this cell, the width or height of the cell may become improper.

    ・Only the file formats with the following extensions can be previewed: