KrewData Features / Error Messages
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    Error Messages
    In This Topic
     Errors Related To Command Settings

    The table lists the error messages related to command settings of data editing flow. These messages are displayed on the Configuration tab of Flow Settings page.

    Error Message Possible Solution
    Account does not exist. Please sign in with a different account. The account set by the file input/file output command does not exist in the external service information app. Please sign in again with a valid account on the settings tab of the file input/file output command.
    Account is invalid. Please sign in again. The account set by the file input/file output command has become invalid due to an expired access token or password change. Please sign in again on the external service setting list page.
    Can't get the app (ID: {nnnn})'s field. maybe you don't have permission or the app have been deleted. The kintone app selected by the Input App command or the Output App command cannot be found when setting the command. If the app displayed in the error message has been deleted, please select another app. If the app exists, make sure you have permission to browse the app.
    Please link the current command to two available data source. Two input data sources are required to execute this command, but currently only one is connected. Modify the data editing flow to connect two input data sources.
    Please link the current command to at least two available data source. Two or more input data sources are required to execute this command, but currently only one is connected. Modify the data editing flow to connect at least two input data sources.
    Incomplete configuration information. The command settings are not yet complete. Either a setting is missing or there is error in a setting. Complete the command settings.
    The number is invalid The value entered in the numeric field is incorrect. Please set the correct value.
    The data flow misses output command and can't run. There is no Input App command in the data edit flow. Add an Output App command.
    The data flow misses input command and can't run. There is no Input App command in the data edit flow. Add an Output App command.
    Cannot find number that is registered on the Auto Number page in advance. The number specified for numbering and registered on Number setting in the domain page could not be found because of factors such as deletion. Select a different number.
    No field type selected New field type is not selected. Please select a field type.
    "Only one data flow is allowed to add in one page, please move more flows to other pages." There are multiple I/O flows in single data editing flow. Or, there exists a command which is not connected to the flow. Connect the flow or split into two data editing flows.
    File {filename} does not exist. Please select another file. The file selected by the file input command cannot be found. Please select another file.
    This is an invalid file name. Please change another name. The output file name of the file output command contains characters that cannot be used in file names. Please change it to another name.
    No field type selected. No new field type is selected. Please select a field type.
    "Illegal, there are no support Aggregate on the field type." The aggregation method selected by the Group By command does not support the field type of field to be aggregated. Change the field to be aggregated or the aggregation method.
    "Illegal, there are no support conversion on the field type." The field you want to change selected in the Set Field Type command could not be converted to the selected new field type. Change the field you want to change or the new field type.
    "Field name already exists, please use another one." The new field name specified in the command is a duplicate of the name specified in another setting item or a field name that already exists in the app. Please specify another name.
    The filter command contains errors The filter settings are incorrect. Make the correct filter settings.
    Parameters set in the real time execution flow have been deleted. Set the command again. When you copy a data editing flow that has parameters from the real time execution tab, the parameters that were set in the original flow will be removed, causing a command setting error and does not execute properly. Therefore, you will need to reset the command .
    The link type is invalid The input value for the link field is incorrect. Please set the correct value.
    "The key field {0} of the lookup source app (ID: {1})  must be either a Record Number field or a field with the ""Prohibit duplicate values"" option turned on." Source field of app associated to lookup field of output app must have "Prohibit duplicate values" enabled. Please enable the "Prohibit duplicate values" setting in source field of the associated app.
    In output, there must be a source field corresponding to the used target field on the configuration tab. Fields selected in "Record output order" must be included in "Fields of data editing flow". Include the fields selected in Record Output Order in fields of data editing flow.
    In search step, filter expression has error. The filter settings where "Only records that contain" is selected as the search type in the search conditions of the Edit Data command are not correct. Make the correct filter settings.
    In search step, formula expression has error. The formula settings where "Formula" is selected as the search type in the search conditions of the Edit Data command are not correct. Set the correct formula.
    The update key of the subtable is empty, please select key field or change update key. "Update" is selected as the output method in the Output App command but the update key is not specified. Specify the update key.
    Update operation doesn't specify any columns to update. "Update" is selected as the output method in the Output App command but, there is no data to be updated as all the fields are specified as update key. Modify the update key.
    The update subtable operation cannot find data. "Update" is selected as the output method of table in the Output App command but, there is no data to be updated as all the fields of table are specified as update key. Modify the update key.
    Update operation does not select any field to update. "Update" is selected as the output method in the output app command, but there is no data to be updated because all fields are specified as update keys. Please review the update key.
    Duplicate auto number field name. Please change with another name. An output field with the same name as the field name specified in the auto number tab of the file output command exists. Please change the field name.
    The auto number field {Field name} cannot be found in target app. The field to output the number selected in the auto number settings of the Output App command does not exist in the output app. Check the form settings of the output app and select the fields that exist in the app.
    The type of auto number field only supports number and text. In the Auto Number settings of the Output App command, a field of type other than text or number is specified in the field to be numbered. Select a text or a number field.
    The records count in an output app when numbering unit is ""By App"" is more than the maximum number 200,000."

    When automatic numbering is performed with following settings, numbering cannot be applied if there are already more than 2,00,000 records in the app that outputs the numbered records. Change the output method or the output app.        

    • Output method: Update or Append
    • Numbering unit:By App
    Select field name is invalid  The mandatory command setting of new field name is missing. Enter name of the new field.
    Invalid input value for numeric field. Invalid input value for numeric field. Please set the correct value.
    The regular expression is invalid Regular expression set in the filter command is not correct. Set the correct regular expression.
    Configuration option value is empty Value in a mandatory command setting is missing. Enter a value for the settings.
    The previously selected x field does not exist. Please select again As the input app has been changed, the field selected in command settings does not exist in the current app. Select the target field again.
    Looks like the combination you have selected removes all fields. Try picking another option. In the Combine Records command, "Only include shared fields" is selected as method to append but, there is no shared field in the input data. Either change the method to append or change the input data.
    Added or deleted data source, please reconfigure Input data connected to Combine Records command has changed from previous settings. Reconfigure the settings.
    There is no subtables in the data source. Input data connected to Convert Table to Record command does not have a table. Connect to an input data having table.
    Please link the current command to valid data source. The command is not connected to an input data. Connect to an input data.
    In editing step, formula expression has error. "Formula" is selected in editing method of Data Edit command, but the formula set in editing content is not correct. Set the correct formula.
    Please link the current command to available data source. Command is not getting the input for reasons such as setting of the previous command is not correct. Set the previous command to generate the valid data.
     Errors While Executing Data Editing Flow

    The table lists the error messages that occur while executing a data editing flow. These messages are generated in the "Log Message" field of execution logs and also get displayed on the Flow Settings page in case of manual execution.

    Common errors during Schedule Execution and Real Time Execution

    Error Code Error Message Possible Solution
    166 API call exceeds cloud service limit. The API call limit of the cloud service was exceeded during file input/output of the file input/file output command, and access was restricted. Please try again later.
    26 kintone API request error: {error message} Request error occurred while running the kintone API. Check the content of the error message and take corrective action. Alternatively, please contact krewData Support Services.
    34 Failed to login to kintone. Please check if your kintone account is valid and correct. Failed to login kintone while running the data editing flow. Reconfigure the kintone account on User Information page.
    63 Failed to login to kintone. Please check if the Basic credentials is valid and correct. Failed to login to kintone while running the data editing flow. Reconfigure the kintone account on User Information page.
    64 Failed to login to kintone. Please check that the client certificate file and the password for the client certificate file are valid and correct. Failed to login to kintone while running the data editing flow. Reconfigure the kintone account on User Information page.
    152 Account {account name} does not exist. Please sign in with a different account. The account set by the file input/file output command does not exist in the external service information application. Please sign in again with a valid account on the settings tab of the file input/file output command.
    153 Account {account name} is invalid. Please sign in again. The account set by the file input/file output command has become invalid due to an expired access token or password change. Please sign in again on the external service setting list page.
    206 The SharePoint site associated with your account does not exist or you do not have permission to access it. The SharePoint site associated with the account set in the File Input/File Output-SharePoint command does not exist or you do not have permission to access it. Please sign in again with an account that can use the SharePoint site.
    155 You have reached your account storage limit. File cannot be saved. The cloud storage of the account set by the file output command has reached the capacity limit, and the file cannot be output. Please increase the free space of the cloud storage.
    160 The file you are trying to access is locked. Processing could not be continued because ithe file is locked. Please try again later.
    156 A server error occurred in cloud storage. Please try again later. A server error occurred in the cloud storage during file input/output of the file input/file output command. Please try again later. If the error continues, please contact krewData support service.
    202 You cannot move files moved between sites. The specified folder for "Move to another folder" has a different SharePoint site than the target folder to be loaded after reading the file input command. It is not possible to move files between different sites. Please select a folder in the destination that belongs to the same site as the target folder to be loaded.
    67 There are (nnnn) records in the current output data flow, but the current license only allows task that do not exceed (nnnn) records, please contact the administrator. The number of output records in the data editing flow exceeds the number of manual execution records allowed by the license. Set the condition for filtering processed records in the Input App command or Filter Records command, and reduce the number of output records.
    33 The definition of data flow is not correct to run. Please check the data flow and fix errors. Settings of data editing flow is not correct. Check for the error location on Settings page of data editing flow and modify those settings.
    52 There are (nnnn) records in the current data flow, but the current license only allows task that do not exceed (nnnn) records, please contact the administrator. The number of input records in the data editing flow exceeds the number of manual execution records allowed by the license. Set the condition for filtering input records in the Input App command and reduce the number of input records.
    112 The number of rows in table "{table_name}" exceeds the maximum of (5000 rows). Number of records output to the table of the output app exceeds the upper limit (5000 rows) of the number of records that can be registered in the table. Reduce the number of records output to the table.
    204 You cannot move files between document libraries and shared folders. The specified folder for "Move to another folder" contains a shared folder after reading the file input command. It is not possible to move files from the document library to the shared folder. Please select a folder in the destination directory that belongs to the same document library as the folder being loaded.
    115 Cannot find number {number name} that is registered on the Auto Number page in advance. The number specified for numbering and registered on Number setting in the domain page could not be found because of factors such as deletion. Select a different number.
    167 Password protected Excel file cannot be read {file name}. A password is set for the Excel file read by the file input command. Remove the password of the file.
    159 File or folder does not have write permission. You do not have write permission for the output folder selected by the file output command. Please change the permission of the output folder or choose another folder with write permission.
    42 The value in this column {field_name} is already exists in another record. A value that duplicates another record was output in a field that is set to prohibit duplicate values in the output app. Check the input data or modify the data editing flow so that the values do not overlap.
    41 The value in this column {field_name} is required. Value of the field set as mandatory in the output app is generated blank. Check the input data or modify the data editing flow to set the value and output.
    62 The value of {field_name} must be between n1 and n2. A number outside the defined range was generated in the field with value range. Modify the data editing flow to meet the conditions.
    59 The value of {field_name} must be between n1 and n2 characters. A string with characters more or less than defined limit was generated in the field with set character count. Modify the data editing flow to meet the conditions.
    60 The value of {field_name} must be less than n. A number more than defined limit was generated in the field with maximum value. Modify the data editing flow to meet the conditions.
    61 The value of {field_name} must be more than n. A number less than defined limit was generated in the field with minimum value. Modify the data editing flow to meet the conditions.
    57 The value of {field_name} must be less than n characters. A string with characters more than the defined limit was generated in the field with maximum character count. Modify the data editing flow to meet the conditions.
    58 The value of {field_name} must be more than n characters. A string with characters less than the defined limit was generated in the field with minimum character count. Modify the data editing flow to meet the conditions.
    161 Folder {folder name} does not exist. Please select another folder. The folder selected by the file input/file output command does not exist. Please select another folder.
    106 There is no data in the source app (ID: nnnn) of the lookup field. No data is registered in the app associated to the lookup field. Register records in the app associated to the lookup field.
    108 The key field {field_name} of the lookup source app (ID: nnnn) must be either a Record Number field or a field with the "Prohibit duplicate values" option turned on. Source field of app associated to lookup field of output app must have "Prohibit duplicate values" enabled. Enable the "Prohibit duplicate values" setting in source field of the associated app.
    Sheet ({sheet name}) with an incorrect record format. Check if all the fields selected by the file input command exist in the first row of the sheet. The data row cannot be read correctly because all the items selected by the file input command do not exist in the first row of the sheet. Check if all the fields selected by the file input command exist in the first row of the sheet.
    Incorrect record format. Make sure that all the fields selected by the file input command exist in the first row of the file. The data row cannot be read correctly because all the items selected by the file input command do not exist in the first row of the file. Check if all the fields selected by the file input command exist in the first row of the file.
    203 You cannot move files between shared folders of different document libraries. The shared folder of the document library that is different from the read target folder is specified after reading the file input command. You cannot move files between shared folders of different document libraries. Select the same document library folder as the read target folder for the destination folder.
    151 The process of reading the external file has timed out. Input file is too large. A timeout error occurred during file read processing in the file input command. Reduce the number of files to be read and the file size.
    150 An error occurred in the external file input/output API: An API error occurred during file input/output of the file input/file output command. Please contact krewData support service.
    190 The selected shared drive does not exist. Please select another shared drive. The shared drive selected by the file input/file output command does not exist. Please select another shared drive.
    176 You don't have permission to move files. You do not have the permission to move files between folders specified by "Move to another folder" after reading the file input command. To move a file, you need write permissions for both the source and destination folders. Kindly grant the folder write permissions or select a folder with write permissions.
    76 The current account does not have permission to add records to the output app(ID: nnnn). Please modify it and try again. kintone user (kintone account set on the User Information page) who executed the data editing flow does not have permissions to add records to the output app. Either change permissions of output app or change the user executing the data editing flow.
    75 The current account does not have permission to view the input app(ID: {nnnn)'s records. Please modify it and try again. kintone user (kintone account set on the User Information page) who executed the data editing flow does not have permissions to view records of the output app. Either change permissions of output app or change the user executing the data editing flow.
    78 The current account does not have permission to delete the output app(ID: nnnn)'s records. Please modify it and try again. kintone user (kintone account set on the User Information page) who executed the data editing flow does not have permissions to delete records of the output app. Either change permissions of output app or change the user executing the data editing flow.
    77 The current account does not have permission to edit the output app(ID: nnnn)'s records. Please modify it and try again. kintone user (kintone account set on the User Information page) who executed the data editing flow does not have permissions to edit records of the output app. Either change permissions of output app or change the user executing the data editing flow.
    72 The current account does not have permission to view the input app(ID: nnnn)'s records. kintone user (kintone account set on the User Information page) who executed the data editing flow does not have permissions to view records of the input app. Either change permissions of input app or change the user executing the data editing flow.
    121 The record identified by the current key isn't unique, and the same key is {field_name: duplicate value}. please check the subtable setting. The update key specified in the Output App command cannot uniquely identify the output record to the table. Add or change the update key so that the record corresponding to the key displayed in the error message can be uniquely identified.
    16 The record identified by the current key isn't unique, and the same key is {field_name: duplicate value}. please check the setting. The update key specified in the Output App command cannot uniquely identify the output app record. Add or change the update key so that the record corresponding to the key displayed in the error message can be uniquely identified.
    122 The auto number field {field_name} cannot be found in target app. The field to output the number selected in the Auto Number settings of the Output App command does not exist in the output application. Check the form settings of the output app and select the fields that exist in the app.
    123 The type of auto number field only supports number and text. In the Auto Number settings of the Output App command, a field of type other than text or number is specified in the field to be numbered. Select a text or a number field.
    126 The records count in an output app when numbering unit is ""By App"" is more than the maximum number 200,000.

    When automatic numbering is performed with following settings, numbering cannot be applied if there are already more than 2,00,000 records in the app that outputs the numbered records. Change the output method or the output app.

    • Output method: Update or Append
    • Numbering unit:By App
    171 The total output file size (nnn MB) exceeds the upper limit (nnn MB). Please reduce the output file size. The total size of files output by the file output command exceeds the upper limit. Please reduce the size of the output file.
    181 The total number of output files (nn) exceeds the upper limit (nn). Please reduce the number of output files. The total number of files output by the file output command exceeds the upper limit. Please reduce the number of output files.
    158 A file with the same name exists in the output folder and cannot be overwritten. A file with the same name exists in the output folder selected by the file output command. Change the output folder or output file name.
    174 You do not have permission to create a new shared file (filename). You do not have permission to create files in the shared folder specified as the output folder of the file output command. Please choose an output folder with permission.
    109 The value {referred value} does not exist in the key field {field_name} of the lookup source app (ID:nnnn). The value referenced in the lookup field does not exist in the source field of the associated app. Register the value that is referenced in the associated app of the lookup field, or modify the data editing flow to refer to the existing value.
    169 The total input file size (nnn MB) exceeds the upper limit (nnn MB). Please reduce the input file size. The total size of the files read by the file input command exceeds the upper limit. Reduce the size of the file being read.
    180 The total number of input files (nn) exceeds the upper limit (nn). Please reduce the number of input files. The total number of files read by the file input command exceeds the upper limit. Reduce the number of files to be read.
    36 An unexpected error has occurred. Please contact krewData support service. An unexpected error has occurred. Please contact krewData support service.

    Schedule Execution

    Error Code Error Message Possible Solution
    68 There are (nnnn) records in the current data flow, but the current license only allows schedule task that do not exceed (nnnn) records, please contact the administrator. The number of output records in the data editing flow exceeds the number of schedule execution records allowed by the license. Set the condition for filtering processed records in the Input App command or Filter Records command, and reduce the number of output records.
    53 There are (nnnn) records in the current data flow, but the current license only allows schedule task that do not exceed (nnnn) records, please contact the administrator. The number of input records in the data editing flow exceeds the number of schedule execution records allowed by the license. Set the condition for filtering input records in the Input App command and reduce the number of input records.

    Real Time Execution

    Error Code Error Message Possible Solution
    139 There are (nnnn) records in the current output data flow, but the current license only allows task that do not exceed (nnnn) records, please contact the administrator. The number of output records in the data editing flow exceeds the number of real time execution records allowed by the license. Set the condition for filtering processed records in the Input App command or Filter Records command, and reduce the number of output records.
    132 There are (nnnn) records in the current data flow, but the current license only allows task that do not exceed (nnnn) records, please contact the administrator. The number of input records in the data editing flow exceeds the number of real time execution records allowed by the license. Set the condition for filtering input records in the Input App command and reduce the number of input records.
    The number of requests within a certain period of time has been exceeded. The URL has been disabled. The URL was disabled because the execution request for the same execution unit within a certain period of time exceeded the system limit. If you want to enable the URL again, turn ON the Enabled check box of the execution unit for which the URL was disabled on the Real Time Execution tab and refresh the app .
    135 The real time unit was stopped by timeout. The execution request that was waiting to be executed has been stopped due to a timeout. Reduce the frequency of real time execution.
    134 Other user is running the execution unit. Another user requested for execution while the execution unit that does not allow concurrency is running.
    Waits for execution due to concurrency limitation. An execution unit that allows concurrent execution was requested to execute more than the concurrent execution limit. This request waits for execution and is executed after some time when execution is possible.
     Errors Related to CData Cloud Connect Input Command

    The table lists the error messages of CData Cloud Connect input command. These messages are output to the Log Message field of the Execution Log, and are displayed on the flow setting screen in the case of immediate execution.

    Error Code Erro Message Possible Solution
    191 Account {0} is disabled. Please sign in with a valid account. The account set by the CData Connect Cloud input command has become invalid due to reasons such as expiration date. Please use a valid account and sign in again on the Command Settings tab or the External Services Settings List page.
    192 Account {0} does not exist. Please sign in with a valid account. The account set by the CData Connect Cloud input command has been deleted. Please use a valid account and sign in again on the Command Settings tab or the External Services Settings List page.
    193 Invalid Personla Access Token. Please sign in again with a valid Personal Access Token. The Personal Access Token set by the CData Connect Cloud input command is invalid because it has been deleted or updated. Please use a valid Personal Access Token and sign in again on the Command Settings tab or the External Services Settings List page.
    194 You don't have access to CData Connect Cloud. Your subscription has been expired. CData Connect Cloud commands cannot be executed because the CData Connect Cloud subscription has been expired.
    If you want to continue using CData Connect Cloud, please contact CData.
    195 Incorrect SQL query. An invalid SQL query was executed when executing a CData Connect Cloud input command. Please reconfigure the data source and the fields to use in the CData Connect Cloud input command where the error occurred.
    If the error still occurs, please contact krewData customer support team.
    196 Failed to execute SQL query. The CData Connect Cloud input command is unable to retrieve the dataset as the data source table has been modified. Please reconfigure the data source and the fields to use in CData Connect Cloud Input command where the error occurred.
    If the error still occurs, please contact CData.
    197 Result of SQL query in incomplete. CData Connect Cloud processing is interrupted and some data could not be received. Please try again later.
    If the error still occurs, please contact CData.
    198 An internal server error has occurred in CData Connect Cloud. A server error occurred in CData Connect Cloud. Please try again later.
    If the error still occurs, please contact CData.
    199 Your usage of the API calls for CData Connect Cloud has surpassed the limit allowed. Access to CData Connect Cloud was restricted due to exceeding the API call limit while processing a request. Please try again later.
    If the error still occurs, please contact CData.
    200 An API error occurred during a processing request to CData Connect Cloud. If you encounter an API error while processing a request in CData Connect Cloud, please verify the following and get in touch with CData if the error still occurs.
    • Did an error occur in the CData Connect Cloud input command settings?
    • Is your CData Connect Cloud's account valid?
    • Is permission settings for Connection in CData Connect Cloud appropriate?
    • Is your CData Connect Cloud contract valid?
    See Also