Sheet Mode / Runtime Settings / Save Operation
In This Topic
    Save Operation
    In This Topic

    The following table shows whether or not each operational state can be maintained in krewSheet after refreshing the screen once a certain operation has been performed on krewSheet.


    Configurable/Unconfigurable upon app setting

    Maintaining Status

    When the browser is reopened after being closed

    When returned from the detail screen of each record


    (saving, paging, etc.)

    Zoom in and out x(Runtime only)
    Pin x(Runtime only)
    Filter x(Initial app setting is valid)
    Sort x(Initial app setting is valid)
    Column width x(Initial app setting is valid)
    Row height x(Initial app setting is valid) x
    Freeze columns x(Initial app setting is valid)
    Paging x(Initial app setting is valid)
    Column order x(Initial app setting is valid)
    Auto merge (pause and resume) x(Initial app setting is valid)
    Full Window x(Initial app setting is valid)
    Filtering status by Search Panel × x
    Sub-Window (expand / collapse, resize) x(Initial app setting is valid)
    Collapsed state of column grouping x(Initial app setting is valid)