KrewData Features / Types of fields
In This Topic
    Types of fields
    In This Topic

    This topic discusses about the field types supported by the Input App and Output App command of krewData.

    To output to a field type different from the input field, you can change the field type with the Set Field Type command. For information about supported conversions, see "Field Types That can be Changed" section in the Set Field Type command.

     kintone field types
    Field Type Input Output to same field type Output to different field type Remarks
    Rich text
    Text Area
    Calculated × Calculation result of calculated field can be outputted to a text, rich text, text area and number field. If value of the field referenced by the formula in the calculated field is updated, the recalculated value is saved when the result data is output.
    Radio button
    Date and time
    Attachment × File name of attachment can be exported to text, rich text and text area field. The file itself can not be exported.
    User selection
    Department selection
    Group selection
    Lookup ・Source field of app associated to lookup field of output app must have "Prohibit duplicate values" enabled.
    ・Cannot output to field selected in Data Mapping of lookup settings. A field set in Data Mapping gets updated on outputting a value in the lookup field.
    Record number × You can output value of this field to text, rich text, text area and number fields.
    Created by × You can output value of this field to text, rich text, text area and user selection fields.
    Created datetime × You can output value of this field to text, rich text, text area, date, time and datetime fields.
    Updated by × You can output value of this field to text, rich text, text area and user selection fields.
    Updated datetime × You can output value of this field to text, rich text, text area, date, time and datetime fields.
    Related records × × × This field type can not be input or output.
    Table × Table cannot be used in following commands. If a table exists in input data of following commands, it is disposed of on executing the command.
    ・Group By
    ・Transpose Col to Row
    ・Transpose Row to Col
    ・Join App
     App data other than kintone field types
    Field Type Input Output to same field type Output to different field type Remarks
    Status × You can output value of this field to text, rich text, text area, radio button, and drop-down fields.
    Worker × You can output value of this field to text, rich text, text area and user selection fields.
    Category × You can output value of this field to text, rich text and text area fields.
    See Also