KrewData Features / Commands / Data Check / Supported Check Items
In This Topic
    Supported Check Items
    In This Topic

    In the Data Check command, you can perform the following data checks.

     Value Check

    Checks the validity of the value of any field in the input record.

    Check Items Description Target Field Type Example
    Required check Check if a value is entered in any field. All field types for which krewData supports input.
    • Check if the value is entered in the field where "Required item" is set in the output app.
    • Check if the value is entered in the key item of join app or group aggregation
    Compare check Compare the value of any field with the following values based on user-specified conditions.
    • Any value.
    • Relative date.
    • Result value of any formula.
    • Value of any other field.
    All field types for which krewData supports input.
    • Check if the date in the Delivery Date field is after the date in the Ship Date field.
      • Exam ple : Delivery Date ≧ Ship Date
    • Check if the value of the expiration field is dated one month or later from today.
      • Example: Expiration date ≧ EDATE(TODAY(),1)
    Value range check Checks if the value of any field is within the specified range. Number, Calculated, Date, Time, Date and time, Record number, Created datetime, Updated datetime
    • Month field values range from 1 to 12.
      • Example : Min Value : 1
          Max Value : 12
    • The value of the Year field is within the last 5 years.
      • Example : Min Value : YEAR(TODAY())-5
          Max Value : YEAR(TODAY())
    Format check Check the format of value of any field using a regular expression. Text
    • The value of the Postal Code field is in the format of "3 digits- 4 digits"
      • Example : ^\d{3}-\d{4}$
     Existence Check

    Check if the value of the field exists in another app such as the master app.

    Check Items Description Target Field Type Example
    Valid value check Check if the value of any field exists in the field of another specified app. All field types for which krewData supports input.
    • The value of the Product ID field exists in the Product ID field of the product master app.
    Valid item check Check if the value of any string field exists in the following selection field type items.
    • Radio button
    • Check box
    • Multi-choice
    • Drop-down
    • The value of the Category field exists in the selection item of the Category field (dropdown) of the output app (Product Master app).
    Valid user check Check if the user, department, or group of any string field exists in the domain. Text
     Custom Check

    Check the data in the record with custom rules using formulas.

    Check Item Description Target Field Type Example
    Custom Check Check with custom rules using formulas. All field types for which krewData supports input.
    • A value has been entered in only one of the two fields.
      • Example : XOR(ISBLANK(Input 1),ISBLANK(Input 2))
    See Also