- Create a Custom view in View screen.
In this topic, we will discuss about the method to display krewDashboard in the krewSheet sub window.
Work Report App
An app that provides a report on the amount of work completed by each member over a period of one month.
The following layout is for entering the monthly working hours in a table.
When displaying a dashboard in a krewSheet sub window, you will be able to switch back and forth between krewSheet settings and krewDashboard settings. To achieve the same, you can follow the listed steps.
The sub window feature includes the ability to display krewDashboard in krewSheet. You need to configure the settings so that krewDashboard can be displayed in the sub window.
※ The name "Project Dashboard" displayed above is the name given when setting the sub window of krewSheet.
In order to add number chart that display the total working hours, follow the steps.
In order to add pie chart, follow the steps.
In order to add column chart, follow the steps.